Thursday, February 25, 2010

Teenage Photographers

I believe my niece, pictured here from last weekends field trip, is the youngest member of the Baytown Photo Club. It's good to see here involved in a thoughtful and positive endeavor like photography, it would be good to see other teenagers participating.


Doug Haass said...

We need feedback from this age group, that allows us to find some things that keep their interest. We are an older group, and while we have some really good trips, I don't want to lose the youthful enthusiasm along the way. I want to get the mentor or helper program going in the club to help those who are a little too shy to ask for help from anyone else in a formal setting. We need to team them up with someone they can develop some trust in. We need to keep them energized even more than us older photographers.

Larry J. Patrick said...

Like it. Has a lot of elements going for it.